Another Rainy Day

Oh! It’s another Rainy Day,
Another excuse for me to hide away,
Fog on the window I write your name,
Oh! It’s another Rainy day.
Outside a cloud is forming,
In my heart the rain is pouring down, Endlessly
The Sky is Gray Just like me,Just like me.
Oh its another Rainy Day
The sun isn’t out to scare the Dark away
Step outside to try to wash you away,
Oh its another rainy day,
Outside a cloud is forming,
In my heart the rain is pouring down, Endlessly
The Sky is Gray Just like me,
All my Tears Flood the streets,
The sky is gray just like me, Just like me.
Well its cold & its gloomy,
What are you doing to me?
is the storm ever breaking
If Only you could make it stop raining
Outside a cloud is forming,
In my heart the rain is pouring down, Endlessly
The Sky is Gray Just like me
All my tears flood the streets
the sky is gray just like me, Just like me.
Oh its another rainy day, Just like me.
Just like Oh its another rainy day…


Imi cer scuze pentru usoara apatie demonstrata in discutiile purtate pe articolul precedent. Le multumesc tuturor celor care si-au lasat o opinie, in mod special celor noi pe blog, m-am straduit sa ma ridic la inaltimea asteptarilor voastre si simt ca am esuat. Azi a fost una din acele zile imposibile, greu de descris in cuvinte, o zi in care dezamagirea a luat locul fericirii, in care speranta a murit pentru totdeauna, in care m-am prabusit brusc si dureros din al noulea cer unde pluteam de ceva timp, direct pe pamant, lund contact cu nemiloasa realitate. Am cautat niste versuri pentru a va descrie ele exact ce si cum simt si le-am gasit pe cele de mai sus.

Nu am uitat de Invatatorul si a lui rugaminte. Sper sa fie satisfacut, nu stiu daca este chiar ceea ce el astepta, daca cumva descrierea nu este pe placul sau, promit sa o refac! :P

I’m the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the sea, the summer, the world. (I’m all the love in the Universe!) Am trisat putin, sper sa gasesc ingaduinta necesara. :)
